White Dragon by Eric Pepin
What is White Dragon All About?
In White Dragon, you will learn a series of techniques that will quickly and easily allow you to move and work with energy both within and outside of your body.
White Dragon contains more than 6 hours of riveting video footage that covers…
What makes a spot sacred…And how you can create a sacred spot and/or how to find and absorb the consciousness from a place of power.
How different cultures affect the collective consciousness (This is not just generalizations, but specific details about world events)
How Paul the Psychic Octopus (who predicted the results of the 2010 World Cup soccer games) made his predictions
How to have a Truly Original Thought (not a mix-match of your experiences and the Gaia consciousness)
How reincarnation really works and the literal truth behind the concept of Alisone I.E, All Is One
How to use your imagination to reach greater states of consciousness with far less effort…
And how to know that what you are experiencing is real
And more…