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Over 750 Hours of Mind Expanding Training

Metaphysics, Simulated Reality, and True Consciousness.

Notice: Material was done in a natural environment, passionately, unrehearsed, and unscripted.

Audio and video recordings may include occasional pets, people talking and adult language. If you are seeking the real deal, you’ve found it.

About us

What we Do

Higher Balance Institute Provides The Spiritual & Metaphysical Education That You’ve Been Searching For.



Altered States of Consciousness

Manifestation & Influence

Paranormal - Ghosts, Entities & Other

Psychic Sensory & The Sixth Sense


What Our Students Have to Say


“Before Higher Balance I experienced auras, healing, astral projection, telepathy, and psychicness. Once part of Higher Balance... it's like I knew Nothing. Eric took me on a journey that left me feeling like... well Moses experiencing the burning bush on Mt. Sinai. Where I am today and other Higher Balance participants are in a place that is purely "Magic." It's a place where "Miracles" emerge. My friend, if you are reading this, you are knocking on the door to home. The door is open, enter and meet your beginning.”


“In the last couple of years of studying with “The Higher Balance Institute,” my whole world has changed for the better! My list of studies has grown and I’m always excited to see what's coming next!!! It may surprise you to see without your eyes! I have learned from the truthful insights given through Eric Pepin's years of experience and huge knowledge of everything spiritual and beyond! This is a master that isn't for the faintest of hearts as tough and humbling experiences await you! Bringing you towards the levels you have longed for your whole entire life! I highly recommend learning through The Higher Balance Institute!!!”


“I recommend HBI’s teachings to those who long for inner peace, a sense of well being, and who have a desire to spiritually awaken. HBI has been a part of my life going on 14 years. I began meditating when I was 15 years old and somewhere along the way, I realized that I could not live the rest of my life without continuing my spiritual journey through HBI - this is the real deal. I wouldn’t have gotten this far in life had I not learned how to harness such a deep sense of awareness or how to orchestrate the energy that effects my life, daily. Not only have these teachings been spiritually fulfilling (to say the least), it has brought forth the best, strongest, and brightest version of myself and I feel like I have a very clear purpose in this world. As your relationship with The Universe grows, everything in life seems to fall into place. Let Higher Balance take you there. Consistency is the key!”


“Truth be known, I'm not that interested in psychic phenomena. My only Real interest has always been self realization. To experientially know myself and reality. This is my go to place when I want to disappear into the void of no mind. Here I truly know that I/we/this, as an entity in its own right, does not exist other than as the activity of consciousness. All there is, is consciousness. Peaceful, loving, unconditional, limitless, conscious awareness. Life is this dimension is purely experience. All there is of experience is the knowing of it. We are the awareness that knows, that's it. If you leave the filters and labels of your mind out of it. I'm aware that I'm awareness. Consciously consciousness. Be it thoughts, feelings, sensations, sights, sounds or experiences. "I am" knowingly the knower, not that which is known. I can now keep that realization with me, into my day to day life. Life is peaceful. Thank you.”


“Higher Balance has had a strong, positive, impact on me which in time led to a positive impact in all other areas of my life. Practicing the techniques I’ve learned through HBI has led to me obtaining a level of skill, Tranquility, and knowledge that I hadn’t thought possible. I’d recommend Higher Balance to anyone that is seeking truth, and in a sense wholeness, perhaps you feel a pull to find something more in life that you just can’t put your finger on. Or you have questions & a sense of what you want to find, but despite searching you have yet to find answers that ring true & something led you here. HBI has been a huge catalyst for me, guiding me to discover for myself & experience for myself the answers to the questions I had regarding the nature of reality & Consciousness. Plus more. As much as I wished to find someone like Eric I never expected that I would, or could, find someone who shared knowledge of such high caliber.”

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