Prescient Visions Digital


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PRESCIENT VISIONS Digital Prescient Visions Digital: It’s a state of limitless awareness not restricted by time or space. It is to have presence in all time, in all places, all… Read More


Prescient Visions Digital: It’s a state of limitless awareness not restricted by time or space. It is to have presence in all time, in all places, all at once.

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Prescient Visions by Eric Pepin


What is Prescient Visions All About?

pre·scient / preSH(e)ant/ adjective
having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.

Prescience Is More Than Seeing The Future

It’s a state of limitless awareness not restricted by time or space. It is to have presence in all time, in all places, all at once.

Imagine having access to the entire collection of human experience. You see all, feel all. Your visions span from extraordinary future worlds to ancient civilizations. You are a seer of time. Through the backdoor of your mind’s eye, you choose your destination, fixate your gaze, and all that was hidden no longer remains in question.

Have you ever had questions you never knew you always wanted answered, and when they were, those answers opened up your mind in wondrous, unimaginable ways, completely changing how you saw the world?

The knowledge contained in this book did just that for me. The answers provided, the techniques given, are the kind that creates massive Paradigm Shift. The kind that change you for the better.

My Mind is Officially Blown, and I'm sure after reading it, and trying the techniques, your mind will be too. Just wait, you'll see!

Thanks Eric for releasing this book! This is the Real Deal no doubt about it!

Dayv November 3, 2021

The Sleeper must Awaken and surely will if one practices the techniques in this book. This is the real deal people and as such I hope you treat it responsibly. This author calls it like it is! Be ready to connect with everything with a new upgraded mind. These teaching are the Red Pill sit back and buckle up…byby Kansas!

Mahoney November 3, 2021

I have read quite a few of the books by Eric Pepin. I won't say I agree with him on every topic, but I do certainly find value in his works. He has written extensively on humanistic potential and does so with so little ego. Between all of his books I struggle to think of a topic that he hasn't covered from meditation, to chakras, to spirits, to psychic viewing, critiques of traditional religious theology, etc. His unique perspective on life has kindled a lot of growth in my own spirituality and I thoroughly enjoy his work.

This is indeed a very large book, packed with a lot of material you may not comprehend all of the first time through. As he mentions many times throughout his book though, if you stand in the rain you'll get wet. Keep seeking knowledge and eventually you'll find it soaks in.

Ye Shall Be As Gods November 3, 2021