Serune 12: Shifting Consciousness by Eric Pepin
What is Serune 12: Shifting Consciousness All About?
The In-Between is a place where we can see the matrix in action. It’s a space between our physical world and the nonphysical realm, where everything exists at once. Serune will teach you how to access this state of consciousness
The effect of being an “observer” in the In-Between is a fail-safe of the matrix to prevent people from becoming operators. A shift is a change in the matrix that comes like a wave and produces reactions in the environment.
You’ll learn how to use your mind as a tool for manifestation and teleportation, which are both key elements of shifting consciousness.
Serune 12: Shifting Consciousness - Higher Balance Institute

Serune 12: A shift is a change in the matrix that comes like a wave and produces reactions in the environment.
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