Mind Projection by Eric Pepin
What is Mind Projection All About?
If you could travel to any location or any time period — where would it be? When would it be? The idea of packing your suitcases and hopping on the next flight is alluring, but then you’ll have to consider all the expenses and travel time.
It’s enthralling to imagine living the adventurous life of a globetrotter but it’s just not feasible. Now, imagine feeling the liberation of being able to not only travel the world but explore the endless Universe. In Mind Projection, you’ll gain access to the secrets of astral projection and remote viewing.
Eric lays-to-rest the myths and misconceptions surrounding these abilities and explains how these lies actually prevent people from achieving their goals.
At the conclusion of this course, Eric will guide you through an astral projection session: taking full advantage of binaural technology and specific frequencies, your projection will be effortless, and most importantly, you’ll gain full control over your destination!
Mind Projection - Higher Balance Institute

In Mind Projection, you’ll gain access to the secrets of astral projection and remote viewing.
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Product Price: $29
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