EJP Live 15: Dream Simulations by Eric Pepin
What is EJP Live 15: Dream Simulations All About?
Unravel the realization that dreams are simulated programs of the brain, parallel to the operative reality that we exist in. In this class, you will come to understand how this plays into the bigger picture and why certain revelations tend to evaporate from our consciousness when we wake.
This is a unique opportunity for anyone who has ever wondered what it means to dream or why some things seem so real while we’re asleep but not when we wake up. We hope you join us in this journey of discovery!
EJP Live 15: Dream Simulations - Higher Balance Institute

EJP Live 15: Unravel the realization that dreams are simulated programs of the brain, parallel to the operative reality that we exist in.
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Product Price: $29
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