Reaching Higher States by Eric Pepin
What is Reaching Higher States All About?
As the name implies, Reaching Higher States covers entering, maintaining, and getting the most out of your forays into the Higher States of Consciousness.
What does that mean? What makes it “Higher” than the normal, waking state of consciousness? How does the Universe create opportunities within your reality?
Reaching Higher States Is more than just the Inbetween, delve with Eric into the ever-present Now. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Prous
It’s time to open your Eyes.
Filmed on location at the event in Philadelphia, a truly special weekend for all in attendance, you have the best seat in the house as Eric explains how he moves his mind to alter reality. What is ‘The Fuzz’ and how to move with it, into it, and out the other side.
Check out Reaching Higher States today.
A few terms to know that’s associated with the product Reaching Higher States
Assimilation: A mental skill that allows you to experience things as they experience themselves. Assimilation allows you to experience what it feels like to be another person, animal, or even an inanimate object.
Aums: A mantra or chant done in a meditative state. Doing Aums raises your tonal and the Aums literally resonate and permeate all the objects around you, effectively re-writing all the undesirable environmental energy programming.
Doe (or Do): The Doe is the lowest frequency of the planet, this immediate physical dimension. It is the everyday human grind that is intended to keep you ‘asleep’ by distracting you from your spirituality.
When you meditate and maintain your spiritual practices, you raise yourself outside of the ‘doe’. To stay in the Doe is to stay in the illusion of life.
The term is derived from the first and lowest tone of the diatonic scale (do, re, mi, etc.). This term is used to define the primary vibratory state of the planet’s consciousness. Within the ‘Doe’ state, immediate desires of the body outweigh the subtle urge for spiritual awakening.
Energy Movements: A technique designed to build a relationship between your own energetic field and your consciousness.
The I’s: The alternate personalities, roles, or egos within a person. A product of unconscious functioning, these I’s unconsciously assist a person in coping with the environment.
The easiest way to think of them is as mini versions of you. For example, “hunger” can be an I, which may conflict with the feelings of another I.
Scanning: A technique of psychically receiving information from, but not limited to, a person, place, or thing.
Simulation Theory: The concept that the reality we live in is a simulated reality being generated by a complex computer system.
Reaching Higher States
You have the best seat in the house as Eric explains how he moves his mind to alter reality.
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