Black Box Navigation by Eric Pepin
What is Black Box Navigation All About?
Navigation is a movement of the mind through advanced states of meditation. This program teaches the adept how to enter hyper-dimensional consciousness and how to effectively design a flight plan to move beyond the barriers of time and space.
Beginning with a uniquely intense dialgue between Eric and some of his students at his house. In this rare moment, Eric teaches from a significantly intense state of mind. The human brain is not designed to cope with communicating on any human level while in such a place. But Eric pulls it off, describing navigation in rich and complex detail, all the while fighting his organic brain as it did not want to be communicating in any organic way.
Black Box Navigation - Higher Balance Institute
Black Box Navigation: This program teaches the adept how to enter hyper-dimensional consciousness and how to effectively design a flight plan to move beyond the barriers of time and space.
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Product Price: $39
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